Interested in reading more about public philosophy? Live in London? Come to the London Public Philosophy Reading Group!
I've amassed a lot of interviews and literature across themes including public philosophy's relationship to work, community spaces, prisons, schools, arts/culture, media, and much else. I am aware that there are not many reading lists dedicated to public philosophy, particularly which draw from beyond philosophy itself. So I run a monthly, in-person only reading group in London. We read selections of the interviews I've done as well from this wider literature, and we're very open to people's recommendations for reading too!
If this is something you are interested in joining, get in touch at
What we've read so far:
'Relocation and Repopulation: Why Community Philosophy Matters' by Grace Lockrobin. From Philosophy and Community: Theories, Practices and Possibilities.
Excerpts from Conversation Pieces: Community and Communication in Modern Art by Grant Kester, and 'From the Object to the Concrete Intervention' by WochenKlausur.
'Thinking in Transit' by Megan Craig & Edward S. Casey. From Philosophy, Travel, and Place Being in Transit.